GSO Test

Welcome from the Deputy Principal

Students are referred to us by our mainstream partners when they are at risk of exclusion or have been permanently excluded. Our ultimate goal is to ensure students re-engage with education and return to a mainstream setting following tailored intervention to meet the holistic needs of the student. Students arrive at Bridge Academy at different times throughout the year and the length of time students spend with us will vary for each student. For those students that are with us in KS4, we aspire for each individual to gain Entry Level qualifications and Level 1 functional skills qualifications in English and Maths. Students will also be entered for GCSE qualifications.

We pride ourselves on a school culture which is trauma informed and builds strong professional and supportive relationships where students feel safe and connected despite their previous experiences. To achieve academic, social and emotional development we have an integrated package of professional and dedicated staff ranging from qualified teachers, therapeutic staff, inclusion staff, intervention mentors and classroom based teaching assistants. In addition, we have an experienced careers advisor. The careers advisor will support students with applications for the next steps in education, provide guidance as well as arranging work experience opportunities. 

We are proud to provide a curriculum consisting of academic and vocational options that have been specifically chosen to match the different abilities and interests of students. Emphasis is placed on English, Maths and PSHE. 

The subjects currently offered includes:

  • English Language, English Literature, Maths, Double Science and PSHE
  • Geography, History, Business, Art & Design and STEM
  • Food and Nutrition, Health & Social, Health & Fitness and Child Development
  • Construction, Hair and Beauty, Motor Vehicles and Textiles 

We are confident that our curriculum and diverse range of professional support promotes the preparation for adulthood pathways - Heath, Education & Employment, Community, and independent living - for our students with Education, Health and Care Plans.


Phil Harman
Deputy Principal