GSO Test

SEND at Bridge Academy

Bridge Academy is committed to a policy of inclusion: one in which the teaching, learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all students matter – including those identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We have high expectations of all our students and are proud of what they achieve both academically and personally throughout their time at Bridge Academy.

All students, including those with SEND, will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which will include the National Curriculum. The culture, practice, management and deployment of resources are designed to ensure all student’s needs are met.

The Intervention Mentors are a dedicated team of staff who offer additional support, interventions, mentoring and outreach work to students who require additional support, including those with SEND. We have a number of bases across the trust which are used for additional intervention groups, such as pastoral, SLCN, EHC Plan targeted interventions, literacy and numeracy.

Bridge Academy Behaviour and Intervention Statements, also known as BAS and IAS, is a bespoke document that highlights the specific interventions and behaviours that are needed to support students with their return back to mainstream but also support them within the wider community.

BAS and IAS has 10 key sections, which are further broken down in to 5 statements.

Each individual student will be assessed and then have intervention based on their specific need. This document provides strategies for staff and parents to support the pupils to improve in any of the 10 areas whilst also providing strategies for pupils to employ to improve in that statement and contains a set of success criteria. BAS and IAS is designed to be a working document and is intended to be added to with additional strategies and ideas from staff over time.

Through BAS and IAS the whole school approach is able to inform various other professionals to aid in their needs being met and ensures the pupils are fully supported in accessing their education.


Students requiring additional support are identified to us through close liaison with the referring schools. Most support is offered in-class however some students will access smaller outreach sessions in addition.  Personalised education and timetabling enables us to meet the needs of all students. 

We have a dedicated team of Teaching Assistants, SEND staff and inclusion staff who are involved in the day-to-day lives of our students. All students including those with EHC Plans or on SEN Support will have a Pupil Profile available to teaching staff. This identifies individual strengths, difficulties and strategies which could be used to support them throughout the curriculum. We use standardised assessments to identify those who may require additional support, including formal applications for concessions during their examinations.

The School’s aim is to develop a partnership where professionals and parents work together to review progress that is being made and enable all students to leave us with the skills needed to continue to progress into the adult world.

The Milton Keynes SEND Local Offer is a directory of information about education, health and care services, as well as leisure activities and support groups, for children and young people with SEND from birth to 25 years.

We have a named SENDCo responsible for SEND at each of our sites. 

Coffee Hall – Charlotte Puddifoot

01908 889417

Manor Road – Ana Rodriguez-Aries (SENDCo in training)

01908 889427


Bridge Academy School local offer